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International Ministerial Conference

Having decided on the importance of promoting regional and international cooperation in order to mobilize strong and more ambitious action in ocean affairs by Governments, civil society, industry, universities, research centers and NGO's and all other relevant stakeholders, Portugal is organizing the fourth edition of this International Ministerial Meeting.



Ocean Smart Governance

The Ocean is one of the most strategically important pillars for the sustainability of our civilization. As a result, sharing knowledge about the Ocean is crucial for the development of common strategies to ensure the protection of Ocean resources and challenges States to permanently define global governance solutions to ensure a sustainable blue economy.
It is this strategic goal that will be the target of the second UN Ocean Conference, to be held in Portugal, in 2020, in a co-organization between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Kenya, aiming at defining concrete solutions steaming from scientific research and innovation.
In order to contribute to the preparation of this action, the XXI Government of the Portuguese Republic, through the Minister of the Sea, promotes the "Oceans Meeting 2019", which will take the form of an International Ministerial Conference on "Ocean Smart Governance".
It should be noted that this initiative is part of the Commemorations of the V Centenary of Circumnavigation of the Portuguese navigator Magellan, a human achievement that mirrors the spirit of Ocean Smart Governance based on cooperation and demand for scientific knowledge.


Gare Marítima Alcântara



16 May

11h00 Welcome Coffee
11h45 Opening of the Exhibition "500 years of Circumnavigation"

Opening Ceremony


Moment of Celebration of 500 years of Circumnavigation


Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
Karmenu Vella

Representative of UN Secretary General and Special Envoy for the Ocean to the United Nations
Peter Thomson

Minister of Sea of Portuguese Republic

Ana Paula Vitorino

  Family Photo - Heads of Delegations only (Balcony) 

1st Thematic Panel - Ocean Governance & Data Sharing


Opening Adress by Director General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services of Ministry of Sea of Portuguese Republic, José Simão


Chile - Rodrigo Olsen, Director General, Division of Environment and Maritime Affairs

China - Lu Hao, Minister of Natural Resources

France - Denis Robin, Secretary-General of the Sea
Indonesia - Safri Burhanuddin, Deputy Minister for Human Resources, Science and Technology, and Maritime culture Affairs

Mozambique - Agostinho Mondlane, Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries

Namibia - Silvia Makgone, Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources

Poland - Marek Gróbarczyk, Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation

Spain - Hugo Morán, Secretary of State of Environment


Moderator: Charles Goddard, The Economist


14h00 Lunch 
15h00 2nd Thematic Panel - Innovation, Blue StartUps and Financing: New Challenges (session 1)


Opening Adress by Director General for Maritime Policy of Ministry of Sea of the Portuguese Republic, Ruben Eiras


Angola - Maria Antonieta J. S. Baptista, Minister of Fisheries and Sea

Cambodia - Nao Thuok, Secretary of State of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Gambia - James F.P. Gomez, Minister of Fisheries and Water Resources

Kenya - Mwangi Kiunjuri, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation

Peru - Maria Abregu, Deputy Minister of Fisheries

Sri Lanka - Dilip Wedaarachchi, State Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development


Moderator: Pedro Rocha Vieira, CEO of Beta-i




2nd Thematic Panel – Innovation, Blue StartUps and Financing: New Challenges (session 2)


Opening Adress by Secretary of State of Internationalization of the Portuguese Republic, Eurico Brilhante Dias


Argentina - Mariano Saúl, Undersecretary of Ports and Waterways

Cyprus - Constantinos Iacovou, Permanent Secretary Shipping Deputy Ministry

Czech Republic - Lukáš Kaucký, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Equatorial Guinea - Adoración Salas Chonco, Minister of Fisheries and Hydric Resources*

Greece - Dionysios Temponeras,Secretary General of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy

Thailand - Pailin Chuchottaworn, Deputy Minister of Transport 


Moderator: Pedro Rocha Vieira, CEO of Beta-i


18h00 Closure of 1st Day
17 May

3rd Thematic Panel – Challenges of Ocean Governance: Small Island Developing States


Opening Adress by Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Portuguese Republic, Teresa Ribeiro


Palau - Tommy E. Remengesau Junior, President of Republic of Palau
- José Agustinho da Silva, Minister of Transport and Communications
- Craig Strong, Permanent Secretary of the Minister of Fisheries
- Lester Michael Henry, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister
- Premdut Koonjoo, Minister of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping
Sao Tome and Principe
- Osvaldo Vaz, Minister of Planning, Finance and Blue Economy


Moderator: Charles Goddard, The Economist



4th Thematic Panel - Ocean Smart Governance: cooperation for practical solutions


Opening Adress by Secretary of State of Fisheries of the Portuguese Republic, José Apolinário


Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Vladimir Ryabinin

International Chamber of Shipping - Director of Legal Affairs
Kiran Khosla

Alexandra Cousteau

OECD - Director of Environment Directorate
Rodolfo Lacy

UNEP - Coordinator of the UNEP/MAP
Gaetano Leone


Moderator: Charles Goddard, The Economist


12h00 Official Closure


Deputy Prime-Minister and Minister of Economy of the Portuguese Republic
Pedro Siza Vieira

Minister of Sea of the Portuguese Republic 
Ana Paula Vitorino


Each delegation is composed by a Head of Delegation (Minister, Vice-Minister, Secretary of State or High Political Representatives) and other delegates. Delegations can include one interpreter and security officers. The members of the delegation will have free access to the Oceans Meeting closed area.

Access Lisbon and Arrival Details

Delegations that registered their flight information will have a help desk at the arrivals area of Lisbon International Airport.

Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel

Person of contact:
Ms. Marta Marques

Hotel Palácio do Governador

Nau Hotels Reservations:

MYRYAD by SANA hotels

Person of contact:
Ms. Sofia Carvalho


Please note that the organisation only covers accommodation to the Head of Delegation for two Nights (May 15th to 16th).

Other delegates do not have a guaranteed room but if they want to make a reservation in the same hotel, they are requested to proceed their booking the sooner the better.


There will be a helpdesk point at the airport and at the hotel's lobby.

Bilateral Meetings
Bilateral Meetings with Ministry of Sea of Portuguese Republic

Upon request to




fernao magalhaes

On the occasion of the celebrations

of the v centenary

of the circumnavigation

voyage of ferdinand magellan